Fort Point Trail

Fort Point Trail Field

Picnic Table on Trail

Trees Along Trail

Picnic Table and Water

Trail Through Trees

Walkway on Trail

Bridge on Trail



A "Universal Access" trail provides a short hike thru mixed woods to the remnants of the historic Fort St. George with stunning views both up and down the St George River.  The trail is suitable for "mobility assist" devices required by those unable to walk the trail unassisted.

Trail Description
The Fort Point trail is a Universal Access trail.  It consists of a hard packed 3' wide surface and 5 cedar boardwalks to traverse wet areas.  The trail begins to the left of the trailhead kiosk, winding through an open field of goldenrod, steeplebush, and sensitive ferns bordered by an alder thicket. It then enters mixed evergreen/deciduous woods and crosses a small stream via a 48' cedar timber bridge. In the spring, trout lilies bloom in abundance here, along with other northern woodland flowers such as bunchberry, Canada mayflower, and starflower. Descending gently from this point, mature maple, ash, cherry, and white birch dominate the canopy until the trail opens into field. The Fort remnants are to the left and center of the small peninsula, where an earthen mound is visible. The Point offers 180 degree views of the St. George River.

Walking, hiking, dogs on leash, birding, access to Fort Point and picnic tables.

Not Allowed
Mountain bikes, motorized vehicles, camping.

Please Leave No Trace
Please pack out all trash and clean up after your dog.

Directions and Parking
From the intersection of Route 1 and 131 in Thomaston, travel approximately five miles south on Route 131 and turn right onto Wiley’s Corner road followed by an immediate right onto a gravel access road and parking area.  From Watts Avenue in Tenants Harbor, travel north on Route 131approximately 4.7 miles to Wiley’s corner.  Please be particularly conscientious when parking.  If the lot is full do not stray on to the adjacent private property and do not block access to the spring.

Level of Difficulty

Trail length
One mile (round trip)

The Historic Fort Point trail underwent a significant trail rehabilitation in 2023.  This was spearheaded by the Town of St. George Conservation Commission and was funded in large part by the State of Maine Recreational Trails Program (RTP).  The trail is maintained by volunteer efforts and is open from sunrise to sunset and restricted to hiking only. 

Fort Point Historical Story A story about the history of Fort Point  written by Select Board  member Steve Cartwright.