Boat Registration Renewal
Relax. Renew online any time.

Photo by Mark Shapiro
The Town of St. George participates in the online Boat Registration Renewal service offered through the Maine Department of Inland Fisheries and Wildlife.
Who can use this service?
The Boat Registration Renewal service is available to registrants who
have previously registered their boat
are residents of St. George or are out-of-state residents who dock their boat in St. George
and are required to pay excise tax
At this time, documented boats or boats owned by businesses cannot be renewed online.
Fees vary depending on the length, model year, use, and horsepower of the boat (vessel) being registered. This service allows you to pay both state registration fees and municipal excise tax fees in one transaction. Before submitting payment, you will have the opportunity to review all fees. Excise tax fees are distributed to the town.
What you will need
Registrant Information
Boat Information, including Serial Number or Registration Number
Credit/debit card (MasterCard, Visa or Discover)
Access to a printer (if you wish to print a copy of your temporary registration)
Following your transaction, you will receive a temporary registration form to print for immediate use. Your official registration and stickers will arrive at the address specified within ten business days.
For your convenience, boat trailers registration renewal is also available online.
Please do not contact the Town Office regarding assistance with this online service. You may contact IF&W: (207) 287-8000 or Email Town Office