Parks & Recreation Committee
The Parks & Recreation Committee shall oversee all resources, facilities & programs of a recreational nature, strive to maintain and improve the physical and mental fitness of the community, and administer, in cooperation with the Town Manager, the recreational programs to include all segments of the community on a year round basis.
Past P & R Committee responsibilities have included, but have not been limited to
Monthly committee meetings with the P & R Director for updates & idea sharing.
Participate in department sponsored events as much a possible (IE; Saturday basketball games, events, fund raisers, etc.)
Assist in event set-up, operations, clean-up & fund raising whenever possible.
Help promote and advertise the department’s events & offerings
Follow the department’s “Mission Statement”, “Core Values” & “Vision Statement”
Respect and adhere to the department’s policies and guidelines.
Promote good sportsmanship, fair play & leadership by example
Assist in recruiting volunteer coaches, umpires, referees, and other helpers
The Parks & Rec. Committee consists of seven voting members and two or more alternate members that are appointed annually by the Select Board.
The Parks & Rec. Director attends the monthly P & R Committee meetings to update members on activities and to coordinate efforts to further the goals of the Committee.
Volunteer applications for the P & R Committee and all coaching positions are available for printing in the column to the right (Applications)

Bryan Morse | Chair |
Cassie Kilbride | Member |
Craig Gauthier | Member |
Meghan Benner | Member |
Summer Ward | Member |
Keith Mann | Member |
Shauna Tolman | Member |
Stephanie Ames | Member |
Daniel Falla | Member |