Marriage License
Maine residents
An application must be completed and filed with the office of the clerk in the municipality in which at least one of you resides. ("Residents of the State intending to be joined in marriage shall record notice of their intentions in the office of the clerk of the municipality in which at least one of them resides.") A certified copy of a divorce decree or a death certificate is needed for those who have been previously married. The application can be found on the "Documents" section of the website. We encourage you to download the three (3) page form and fill out ahead of time. Both parties must sign the actual license in the Town Clerk's presence before it can be issued.
Non-Maine residents
An application must be completed and filed. A certified copy of a divorce decree or a death certificate is needed for those who have been previously married. Both parties must sign the actual license in the Town Clerk's presence before it can be issued. If both parties to a marriage reside outside the State of Maine, they may file their Notice of Intentions in any municipal office. Once their intentions are filed and the license is issued, the parties are free to marry anywhere within the State of Maine.
Click here to download the form.
Marriage License Fee $40. Certified marriage certificate copies are $15 for the first copy; each additional certified copy ordered at the same time is $6. Fees are subject to change.