How Do I ...?
get a burn permit
get a hunting and fishing license
get a concealed handgun permit
get a clamming license
get a marriage license
get a copy of this years Annual Report
get a Transfer Station (Dump or Solid Waste) sticker
get a work permit for my child
register my car or truck for the first time
re-register my car or truck
register my trailer
register my boat
register my snowmobile
register my ATV
report a street light problem
request an absentee ballot
license my dog
pay my mooring fees
make a payment to the Town Office
know when I need a building permit
How do I contact ...?
Town Office
Transfer Station
Law Enforcement
Ambulance Service
Animal Control
The Post Offices
St. George School
St George Business Alliance
Local Cemeteries
The Local Granges
The American Legion
The Masons
The Odd Fellows