Scope of Services
The Assessors are responsible for ascertaining and listing all taxable property within the Town as of April 1st of each year, valuing taxable property according to its “just value,” and assessing each taxpayer his or her fair proportion of school, county, and municipal taxes.
The only way in which this tax burden can be fairly distributed is for the Assessors to attempt to discover all taxable property within their municipality and to value all property fairly.
The elected Select Board also serves as the Board of Assessors. An Assessors’ Agent, certified by the State of Maine, assists the Board of Assessors in performing the duties and responsibilities provided for assessors under general law.
Some local deed information, property descriptions, property sales data and other real property data are available at the Town Office.
The Town tax maps are now online and can be found here.
Staff Contacts
Name | Title | Schedule |
Magan Wallace | Assessing Clerk | M-F, 8am-4pm |
Jacky Binette | Assessors' Agent | 1st & 3rd Wed, 8am-4pm |