Budget Committee
The Budget Committee is a standing committee and shall perform such duties as defined by Town Charter, Select Board Policy Manual and any applicable ordinances.
The Budget Committee is advisory in nature. Its responsibility is to monitor the Town's financial condition and, when requested or required by charter, determine the impact of policy decisions being considered by the Select Board on the Town's long-term financial health.
The Budget Committee consists of five voting members with staggered three-year terms. Two alternate members are appointed for one year terms.
Duties include:
Reviewing the status of the Town's budget each quarter and reporting the Committee's findings and recommendations to the Select Board.
Reviewing the appropriations that are to be included in a warrant for action at a Town Meeting and reporting the Committee's recommendations to the Select Board. The Budget Committee's position on each appropriation will be stated in the warrant.
An annual consideration of the long-term capital and operational expenses that may be incurred by the Town. Providing a written report detailing the Committee’s recommendations to the Select Board and Town Manager by January 15th of each year.
Susan F Ellis | Chair |
Greg Soutiea | Member |
Scott Vaitones | Member |
Chris Williamson | Member |
Vacant | Member |
Vacant | Alternate |
Vacant | Alternate |