Cemetery Committee

Proposed Duties of the Cemetery Committee (for consideration at the Select Board Meeting on November 18, 2024)

The duties of the Cemetery Committee are to work with elected officials and the sexton(s) of town-owned cemeteries to ensure the maintenance of town-owned cemeteries, including making recommendations to the Select Board regarding budget allocations needed to maintain town-owned cemeteries, operating procedures and policies, recordkeeping, mapping, and the posting of relevant information on the town website. 

In addition, the Cemetery Committee will work with the associations responsible for non-town-owned cemeteries in St. George to ensure the maintenance of all veterans’ graves in town, as required by Maine State Law.

Committee Member:


Randy Elwell


Joline Godfrey


Bill Torpey


Patty St. Clair


Rob Beguelin

Advisor & Secretary

Tammy Willey

Select Board Liason

Winged Skull Gravestone

Isaac Snow, the oldest date on a grave in St. George.