What We Do

St. George Parks & Recreation Department is responsible for scheduling, prepping and maintaining multiple fields, courts, parks and playgrounds for the many spring, summer & fall youth sports activities, teams & leagues as well as the community skating rink in the winter.
The P & R department also organizes, oversees & maintains local youth soccer and basketball teams and leagues from 3rd-6th grade. We host the traditional "Mussel Ridge Hoops Basketball Tournament" for 3rd/4th graders in March as well as offer free basketball & soccer clinics for children in kindergarten, first and second grade.
In addition, the Department organizes, oversees and sponsors programs for adults and local senior citizens, including a monthly senior luncheon and bus trips highlighted by the annual shopping trip to Portland on Veterans' Day.
The Parks & Recreation Department's offerings for "St. George Days" include the Marshall Point 5K Lighthouse Loop and the return of the Dunk Tank!