Composting Starts at Home
As The Transfer Station continues to improve its handling and treatment of our solid waste, the community is being asked to increase its participation in recycling and actively support our newest initiative – composting.

The Transfer Station has created a 30’x30’ composting pad and a convenient self-service compost dropoff bin. By composting such items as grass clippings, leaves and specified food scraps (greens and fruit are wanted, but not meats, oil, dairy, fish or shellfish shells) the community can reduce its overall Transfer Station costs. Also, compost can be sold to bring in additional revenue. This results in a “win” for the environment and a “win” for St. George by saving tax dollars.
For households that already have their own compost bins, we thank you! For those who are thinking about composting at home, we have provided a Composting Pamphlet and some good informational website links on the right side of this page. In addition, the Transfer Station offers these items below:
For kitchen waste - MaxAir Food Scrap Collection Bucket with BioBags - Free
BioBags seperately - Free
Filled bags can be dropped off at the Transfer Station Compost Bin (located near the waste drop off area) or used in your home compost.
The following link contains a list of Acceptable and Not Acceptable Products for Composting.
Please stop by the Transfer Station to see our "new pad", to conveniently purchase your home composting supplies or to drop off your compost material.