Comprehensive Plan Process
The 2018 Comprehensive Plan ("Plan") was adopted in May 2018. Given 1.) that the 2018 Plan primarily updated the town's inventory of resources and did not include a full survey of the community's needs and priorities (last collected in 2010-12), and 2.) changes of demographic, economic, and natural resources in recent years, the Select Board has charged the Comprehensive Plan Committee with undertaking a full review and update of the town's Comprehensive Plan.
Why have a Comprehensive Plan?
A Comprehensive Plan collects the priorities of the community into a roadmap for development and protection of natural, economic, and social resources, and provides town leaders with guidance about what projects will require funding to achieve the community's goals. Having a priority identified in the Town's Comprehensive Plan enables the Town to seek grant funding for those projects.
What is the process by which the Plan is created?
The Comprehensive Plan Committee compiles an inventory of town resources, collects data regarding the community's priorities and goals through interviews, surveys, and public meetings, then lays out a Plan for how those goals can be accomplished over the coming decade.
What does the Plan consist of?
The Plan includes:
An Inventory with factual info about the Town, presented in various formats like text, charts, tables, summaries, surveys, etc.
Goals and Policies for Town leaders to follow as they craft policies to accomplish the community's goals and raise money to pay for them
Implementation Strategies outlining specific actions, responsible parties, and timeframes
Evaluation of Progress. Sets the process and timeframe for evaluating progress toward listed policies and goals