Land Trust Partners
The Conservation Commission (CC) partners with two land trusts to carry out our mission: Maine Coast Heritage Trust (MCHT) and Georges River Land Trust (GRLT). The land trusts provide a valuable knowledge base for our projects as their professionally trained staff provide advice and guidance for our conservation efforts. We collaborate with both land trusts to maintain the trails in town and identify parcels for conservation.
Georges River Land Trust
The town has a long history with GRLT beginning with effort in the early 2000’s recognizing the significant ecological aspects of the Jones Brook, Upper Long Cove area of town. This initial effort resulted in preserving several parcels in the Upper Long Cove area and has expanded to other areas of town, which can be seen on the Protected Lands Resource Map.
The CC entered into a St. George Footpath Collaboration agreement with GRLT in 2012 to create and maintain recreational trails in town linking areas of special interest crossing both public and private lands. GRLT is the holder of the permanent conservation easement for the town owned Meadow Brook Preserve.
More information about GRLT can be found at Georges River Land Trust
Maine Coast Heritage Trust
MCHT has actively worked with the CC to preserve parcels in town for the public to use for recreation. We have collaborated on seeking grants toward the purchase of several parcels. MCHT has been primarily responsible for preserving High Island, Bamford Preserve, Meadow Brook Preserve and most recently the large parcel on Clark Island.
More information about MCHT can be found at Maine Coast Heritage Trust