Property Tax Payment

The Town of St. George is now offering online payment of property taxes. You will be able to pay by using a Credit Card or Debit Card. 
Before you click on the link please read over the information below :

  • You will need to search by using your last name and your account number or map/lot number. This information can be found on your tax bill or you can call the Town Office and we will give you that information. 

  • Your tax payment will be applied to your account, a convenience fee of 2.5% will be retained by the processing company.

  • If you have a Zero Balance you will not be able to locate your account. If you want to prepay you will need to come in to the office or send a check.

  • If there is a pending payment, you will not be able to make a new payment until the previous one has been processed.

  • If you have an outstanding lien balance in any tax year, you will not be able to access your account.

  • If your billing address is outside the USA, you will not be able to access your account.

Property Tax Payments can be made online by clicking the link below: