Re•sil•ience Newsletter

The Town is part of the State's Community Resilience Partnership - working to help Maine communities reduce emissions and prepare for the effects of climate change.
Our Re•sil•ience Newsletter is an occasional publication, beginning November 2022, intended to keep the community up-to-date on these efforts locally.
The newsletter is available:
Online - A link to the current issue is listed in the adjacent left-side column.
By e-mail - To sign up to receive your copy by e-mail, simply click here, enter your email address, check the box next to Resilience Newsletter then click on the Subscribe Me button at the bottom of the page.
Pick-up locations - Town Office.
Please contact any member of the committee if you would be to get involved.
Resilience Committee
Susan F Ellis |
John Maltais |
Jennifer O’Donnel |
Meg Rasmussen |
Anne Rogers |
Leticia vanVuuren |
Dan Verrillo |