Town Tax Maps

The Town offers the ability to download, view, and print Standard Tax Maps online.
How To View a Map
The tax maps are organized by a three digit Map Sheet Number. These numbers are used for the pdf file names. To identify the appropriate pdf file for the map sheet you require, follow the following steps:
Open the Index Map
Locate the area you are looking for and make a note of the associated three digit map sheet number
Close the Index Map file
Using the Map Sheet Number, open the corresponding map file from the list
If you do not know the specific location of the area you are looking for, you can begin by searching the Town Assessing records. This online resource allows you to search by Last Name, Account Number or Street Address. Please note, the maps are current as of April 2024 and therefore the Last Name may not be the most reliable search criterion. The search results will display the corresponding three digit Map Sheet Number necessary to select the appropriate pdf file from the list below.
Link to Harris Computer to search assessment, commitment and tax records
The Harris link has not been updated, please call the Town Office for correct information-372-6363
How to Print a Map or a Portion of a Map
To print an entire page, use the Adobe Acrobat Reader print function. Ensure "Fit to Printable Area" is selected as the Page Scaling option. Click "Print."
To print a portion of a map, use the zoom tool in Adobe (the magnifying glass) to zoom into the area you wish to print. Click the Adobe print icon. In the screen that opens ensure the "Current view" and "Fit to Printable Area" options are selected. Click "Print".
Note: These instructions are for current versions of Adobe Reader. If you have an early version, we recommend updating your software using the link above.
Questions or map correction requests can be directed to the Town Office Assessors' Clerk.