Les Hyde Memorial Trail

Picturesque outdoor scene with picnic table and bench in the foreground, overlooking a serene lake.

This is a serene image of a lake surrounded by nature. The photo features the tranquil water of the lake, bordered by lush green trees and a small sandy beach. It's a beautiful scene that captures the essence of peacefulness in nature.




A short family hike with interpretive sign boxes, viewing benches and wonderful views of Ripley Creek Marsh.

Trail Description

There are two main trails on the property as well as a connecting trail between the two. The Marsh Trail is located behind the library and parallels the Marsh. The Nature Trail includes interpretive sign boxes and viewing benches to provide opportunities to learn about the flora and fauna and to enjoy the views of the marsh. The St. George School Nature Trail was conceived as an Expeditionary Outdoor Learning Center for the school and community. In 2005, 6th grade students attended a youth forestry program at Tanglewood 4-H Camp.  Using the skills they learned the students' created goals for the woodlot and subsequently developed the trail and interpretive signage. After several years of neglect, the trail was restored and expanded onto Jackson Memorial Library property and reopened in 2016.  In October 2018 the trail was dedicated in honor of Les Hyde a local conservationist who loved the environment of St. George. He was committed to protecting places of outstanding beauty in this town for future generations.


  • Walking, hiking, dogs on leash, birding, benches, interpretive sign boxes for flora and fauna.

Not Allowed

  • Mountain bikes, motorized vehicles, camping.

Please Leave No Trace

  • Please pack out all trash and clean up after your dog.

Directions and Parking
The Leslie Hyde Memorial Nature Trail can be accessed from the Jackson Memorial library driveway off Route 131 in Tenants Harbor, approximately 9.5 miles south of the intersection of Routes 131 and 1.  The kiosk is located at the trailhead adjacent to the library.

Level of Difficulty

Trail length
0.5 miles (round trip)

The Leslie Hyde Memorial Nature Trail is maintained by volunteer efforts. The trail is open from sunrise to sunset.