Robinson Trail



An easy hike through the historic Robinson property.

Trail Description
An out-and-back lollipop loop trail begins at the historic Robinson house and barn and then thru mixed woods with two stream crossings.

Walking, hiking, dogs on leash and birding.

Not Allowed
Mountain bikes, motorized vehicles, camping.

Please Leave No Trace
Please pack out all trash and clean up after your dog.

Directions and Parking
Parking for the Robinson trail is shared with the Fort Point trail.  From the intersection of Route 1 and 131 in Thomaston, travel approximately five miles south on Route 131 and turn right onto Wiley’s Corner road followed by an immediate right onto a gravel access road and parking area.  From Watts Avenue in Tenants Harbor, travel north on Route 131approximately 4.7 miles to Wiley’s corner.  The trailhead is directly across the street from the parking area.

Level of Difficulty

Trail length
One and three quarter miles (round trip)

The Robinson Trail is maintained by volunteer efforts. The trail is open from sunrise to sunset.