Solid Waste & Recycling Committee
The Solid Waste and Recycling Committee consists of five voting members with staggered three-year terms. Two alternate members are appointed for one year terms.
The Solid Waste and Recycling Committee is a standing committee and shall perform such duties as defined by Town Charter and any applicable ordinances.
The Recycling and Solid Waste Committee shall develop and maintain an effective recycling program and shall advise on all phases of the municipal solid waste operation. The Chair shall submit to the Municipal Officers by January 15th of each year a written report of the previous year's activities; the same report to be included in the annual Town Report.
Board Members
Name | Title |
Raymond Emerson | Chair |
Ann Marie Merrill | Member |
Jane Bracy | Member |
Deborah Wheelock | Member |
Jan Limmen | Alternate |
Beverly Emerson | Alternate |